architectural design
Did you know that less than 22% of licensed architects are women and less than 2% of licensed architects are women of color?
As part of GALA's mission, we focus on career paths with gender inequity. GALA is committed to access and opportunity and has created this Architectural Design program to inspire the next generation of female designers and engineers.
At GALA you can take classes focusing on Architecture and Engineering as part of a Career Technical Education pathway. As a middle school student you can take a one-year exploratory class in Architecture and Engineering. In high school you can continue your exploration with a two-year pathway that culminates in the Architectural Design capstone class.

Middle School (Grades 6-8): Exploratory Architecture and Engineering (1 Year class)
Students will research the history of American houses, use an Architectural design process to design a house, and learn about physical and digital modeling.

high school
High School (Grades 9-12): Engineering Dynamics (1 Year Class, G Credit)
High School (Grades 9-12): Architectural Design (Prereq.: Eng. Dyn., 1 Year Class, F Credit)
At GALA, high school students have the opportunity to enroll in a 2-year CTE (Career and Technical Education) program in Architectural Design. The program starts with a one-year introduction to Engineering and culminates in a one-year Architectural Design class. Both classes are hands-on, project based classes. The first year of the program (Engineering Dynamics) focuses on learning and utilizing a design process to solve design challenges. Students will learn how to define a given challenge, brainstorm ideas, and come up with solutions in 2- and 3-dimensions. They will also receive an introduction to 2D and 3D tools for presenting design solutions The second year of the program (Architectural Design) includes an introduction to architectural history, and goes into more depth and application of 2D and 3D tools used for designing and presenting design solutions. Culminating projects include student presentations of their building designs.

ace program
High School (Grades 9-12): Year Long After-School Program
This year GALA has partnered with the ACE Mentor Program! The ACE at GALA program meets after school one to two times a month, and gives GALA students the opportunity to work with professional Architects, Engineers and Construction Managers. Students will be working together to design a project and will present their design alongside other schools in the greater Los Angeles area. Through this program students will also have the opportunity to participate in career related events and field trips.



3-d printing

furniture design to scale
student video
Below is an example of the engineering occupation videos the students made. This one explains the occupation of architectural engineering