June 3 - 7
GALA's very 1st 8th grade culmination and "Step-Up" to High School ceremony with the class of 2023. GALA leads our first Middle School class into High School to become the future thought leaders and trailblazers of tomorrow.

May 27 - 31
GALA Goddesses took 2nd place in the Beyond The Bell Mixed-Doubles Tennis Tournament. Students were super excited to present their "Integrated Projects" as part of their Finals grade.

May 20 - 24
Broadcast students enjoyed a fun trip to ABC Studios. Our 6th graders learned so much at The Getty Villa.

May 3 - 17
GALA's Engineering middle school students took 1st and 3rd place at the Southern California Regional SeaMATE Underwater Rover Competition. Congratulations GALA Engineering Team! GALA Shakespeare students gave a amazing performance during the production "Love's Labor's Lost".

April 29 - May 3
Fandango hosted GALA's Broadcast students at their Beverly Hills office and participated in a product development life-cycle exercise. GALA community showed our appreciation for our Superheroes (Teacher and Staff) for Teacher Appreciation Week.

April 22 - 26
BioMedical Elective class enjoyed a day at UCLA Simulation Lab. The Class of 2023 (8th Grade) couldn't stop having so much fun during their Spring Dance event thanks to the organization from their Leadership Girls.

April 1 - 6
140 new families were welcomed by our GALA school community during our Annual New Student Registration Day. GALA's first Annual College Prep 101 for our high school students was a great informational session.

March 25 - 29
8th graders Ava & Kira gifted us the experience to be inspired by the teacher and students who produced the Oscar Winner for Best Documentary Short "Period. End of Sentence". 9th & 10th Graders enjoyed their time during their field trip to watch the motion picture Wonder Park.

March 18 - 22
GALA's 2nd Annual Women's Leadership Breakfast (#LaunchHerFuture) was such a tremendous success that we couldn't just pick a couple of pictures. We have a treat with a video presentation with lots of pictures of this amazing event.
March 11 - 15
Thanks to GALA Mathletes for an amazing "Pi (3.14) Day" celebration! We enjoyed an assortment of activities including: pie eating contest, pi digit contest, and pie-ing of teachers for fundraiser.

March 4 - 8
GALA's 1st annual Young Women's Career Conference was so inspiring and such an instant success with over 30 speakers; including Tara Campbell, Mayor-Yorba Linda, as one of our keynote speakers. The 1st GALA LaCrosse Team ever wins their first game against University High (9-2). Go Goddesses!

February 18 - 22
8th grade enjoyed a trip to the California African American Museum. Black Student Union celebrated Black History with an amazing festival that included food, a dance-off, and fun Jeopardy style game.

February 11 - 15
Our 11th grade and some members of our Black Student Union went on a field trip to the African American museum. The 7th grade was excited to welcome City Attorney Mike Feuer and Assistant City Attorney Zna Houston.

February 4 - 8
It was such an exciting experience for our 6th graders as they interacted with sea life at the Aquarium of the Pacific.

January 21 - 27
Our GALA Robotics team competed this weekend and will find out next week if they will go on to Regionals! Congrats girls, Mr. Landa, and Mr. Herrera!

December 10 - 14
Food Science Club doing 2nd annual canned/boxed food drive benefiting L.A. Regional Food Bank. GALA's Got Talent 2018 Show was great way to end the first semester. Happy Holidays!

December 3 - 7
GALA's Winter Concert offered an unforgettable performance by our talented girls. And the talent continued on with the amazing performance from our Drama Club girls during the play of Shakespeare's Macbeth.

November 26 - 30
GALA's Robotics team gets 1st place at their robotics competition. Congratulations! Middle schools GALA girls and their parents learned what's in store for them as a GALA High School student during our first ever 8th grade Step Up Assembly.

November 12 - 16
GALA's High School Girls enjoyed their Winter Homecoming Dance. 6th Grade class took a walking field trip to the Marciano Art Foundation.

November 5 - 10
Our PE department hosted a self-defense class for many of our students led by Chief Master Daniel of Moorimgoong Martial Arts. Our Mathletes participated in a Beam Math competition this weekend at 9 Dots. Go GALA Mathletes!

GALAween was an exciting time for our girls. Pre-Calculus students visited Space X Boring Company to learn principles of math, physics and engineering through observations of the work boring tunnels for high speed transit.

October 22 - 26
8th grade field trip to Hyperion Water Treatment plant. The Students Run LA team ran their second race of the year on Sunday at Dockweiler State Beach!

OCTOBER 15 - 19
GALA girls learning so much from their field trips to Microsoft and USC Medical Center.

OCTOBER 8 - 12
Lots of science for our GALA girls as they worked on the Pathways to Medicine labs, biomedical engineering activities, and two guest speakers. Our 7th period Dance Company got a visit from Lady GaGa’s choreographer and bass player!

GALA Beyond the Bell Football Team reached Regionals. Thanks to all the GALA families who have helped with our on-site tours and representing GALA at over 25 off-site presentations.

The GALA girls were quite active this week. The dance class had a workshop at Cal State L.A. with "Dance and Dialogue", a program started by Ricka Glucksman Kelsch to help students from different backgrounds connect through dance. Ms. Ragazzino's class worked on developing core strength through hollow holds.

Our middle school girls experienced their first field trip of the year. Our 7th graders visited California Science Center and our 6th Graders visited the La Brea Tar Pits. Our 2018 Open House was a tremendous success and we are thankful to the over 700 families that express strong interest in GALA.

The GALA School Fair saw quite a bit of traffic from brilliant minds hungry for knowledge. Our Back to School Night was a tremendous success.

August 27 - 31
Our GALA tennis team had their first match of the season. Go GALA goddesses!
The GALA library has been prepared for our book fair next week.

August 20 - 24
Our First Monday Morning Assembly for 2018 - 2019 year. The GALA Club Rush Day was such an exciting time for our girls.

Orientation Week - August 9 & 10
Lots of effort was put into by all of our parent volunteers to make the "Orientation Days" for our GALA Girls memorable. They were full of fun activities that included an obstacle course.
What an exciting way to start off our 2018-2019 school year!